Aging Memories

Aging Memories

In a poll conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), a significant majority of younger respondents agreed that it is acceptable to remain single. The poll was carried out between November to December 2023, ahead of the Singapore Perspectives conference on Jan. 22 and 29, 2024, which centres around the theme of "Youth".

Roger Zerbe, who suffered from early onset Alzheimer's disease, journaled this to his wife after a particularly troubling bout of forgetfulness.


Today fear is taking over. The day is coming when all my memories of this life we share will be gone. You and the boys will be gone from me. I will lose you even as I am surrounded by you and your love. I don't want to leave you. I want to grow old in the warmth of memories. Forgive me for leaving so slowly and painfully.

Blinking back tears, Becky wrote:

My sweet husband,

I will continue to go on loving you and caring for you — not because you know me or remember our life, but because I remember you. I will remember the man who proposed to me and told me he loved me, the look on his face when his children were born, the father he was, the way he loved our extended family. I'll recall his love for riding, hiking, and reading; his tears at sentimental movies; the unexpected witty remarks; and how he held my hand while he prayed. I cherish the pleasure, obligation, commitment, and opportunity to care for you because I remember you!

Source: Becky Zerbe, "Penning a Marriage,"

In Genesis, where it is stated that "it is not good for man to be alone," we confront a profound truth: that human connection and partnership are woven into the fabric of our existence. The prevailing view of singlehood has inadvertently robbed us of the profound joy and fulfillment that God intended through companionship. We must consider whether the abundance of choices and freedoms in our lives truly enrich us or merely veil a deeper longing for meaningful connection.

Proverbs 18:22

He who finds a wife finds a good thing  
and obtains favor from the LORD.